Vitamins & Supplements

It seems next to impossible finding a vitamin or supplement that is free of everything we have to avoid.

Our pediatrician has been recommending that we give Fussy Buns a multi-vitamin and iron supplement for months now. After calling around, it seems like corn is often the sneaky ingredient. I asked the doctor if we could have the supplement compounded to be free of the allergens. She wasn’t sure and referred us to a dietitian who told me about Kirkman Labs.

Their website has a page on hypoallergenic products and allows you to search for products free of any ingredients you check. Unfortunately, when I checked all of them, nothing came back. I contacted the company who told me that iron #0280-120 is hypoallergenic and that there are many multi-vitamins available depending on whether or not we need it formulated for autism. I’m curious how supplements for autism are formulated differently than general mutli-vitamins. I’m also quite sure I couldn’t get a toddler to take an iron capsule. I’ll have to find out if the capsule can be broken up.

We’ve been using Probiota Infant Powder for awhile now off and on. It doesn’t taste bad and mixes in easily with food. I can’t say for certain that it helped, but I don’t think it hurt. I just ordered another bottle and I’m going to try being more consistent about giving it to her.

The only vitamin we consistently give her is Vitamin D. My naturopath recommended Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 liquid because it is corn free. All you need is 1 drop. Not a dropperful. Just 1 drop contains 1,000 i.u.

Another supplement I need to start using more is Liquid Assay Zinc. It is supposed to help with skin problems. Apparently a lot of children with eczema are deficient in zinc. Read more about the taste test here. We’ve had a lot of diaper rash and eczema flare-ups lately.

It’s definitely not always easy avoiding so many foods, but when I cheat or eat an offending food by accident I feel so badly. It’s just not worth it. The good news is that my stomach is no longer upset every single time I eat and my body doesn’t ache so much when it’s not inflamed all the time. This definitely impacts my mood and makes me happier. I also think Fussy Buns is happier when she doesn’t have a sore bottom all the time or itchy skin. I definitely don’t want to seem paranoid about every little rash she gets because I know kids sometimes just get rashes, but for us I know that a lot of our health problems are related to our diet.


Breastfeeding a Baby with Multiple Food Allergies

It has been a challenge, to say the least, learning to breastfeed a baby with multiple food allergies! My 9 month old daughter is officially allergic to egg white, egg yolk and dairy, and she definitely reacts when I eat corn, peanut, tree nuts, strawberry, and fish. It nearly brings tears to my eyes to think I could have eliminated the offending foods from my diet sooner if only I had recognized that she was showing signs of having a food allergy.

Her Symptoms:

  • Green frothy stools at nearly every diaper change (diarrhea)
  • Wanting to nurse, but pulling away crying
  • Persistent diaper rash
  • Spitting up
  • Crying/screaming every night at the same time
  • Eczema on face, behind knees and in creases of arms
  • White mucous in nose
  • Sneezing/coughing
  • Blood in stool

 “Fussy Buns” is a nickname borrowed from a friend to describe our constant battle against diaper rash; her grandparents always remark that she really is a very happy baby for having all these food allergies!

Fussy Buns was only 2 weeks old when she first developed a diaper rash that wouldn’t go away. It lasted over 6 months until I could finally identify and eliminate the problematic foods! I tried every suggestion out there to get it to heal and felt like the stupidest parent in the world because nothing worked:

  • Baby powder
  • Water and cotton balls or cloth wipes
  • Rinsing her bottom with water and letting it air dry
  • Hypoallergenic baby wipes
  • Nystatin
  • Baking soda in bath water
  • Plenty of air time!
  • Not using cloth diapers and switching brands of disposable diapers
  • Applying liquid bandage before diaper rash cream
  • Trying different diaper rash creams such as Triple Paste and Vaseline
  • Coconut oil

When she was 3 months old, the pediatrician finally sent us to the allergist. I was already on a gluten, dairy, and soy free diet, and the prospect of having to eliminate even more foods was overwhelming to an exhausted and anxious new mother. Although skin pricking showed no allergies to milk, wheat, soy, egg or peanuts, I suspected egg was the culprit.

Against the allergist’s advice, I cut egg out of my diet. Within days, we stopped seeing blood in her stool, but we could never quite get the diaper rash to clear up. So, I began to record her symptoms and keep a food journal to see if I could pinpoint another allergen. My naturopath suggested I also eliminate corn, and along the way I have discovered the other foods that cause her to have a reaction.

Corn has been the most challenging item for me to eliminate from our life! I say item because it is not only hidden in food as a sneaky ingredient, but it is also in many baby products that we were using: baby powder, Triple Paste, Colic Calm, shampoos, lotions, and all baby wipes and diapers have corn in them, except for Seventh Generation and Water Wipes.

What works for us now when she has diaper rash:

Not knowing what was causing all my baby’s symptoms definitely contributed to my postpartum depression/anxiety. I was so worried about whether or not what I was eating was going to cause more problems for her. I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t know how to fix it. I didn’t want to stop breastfeeding, and I didn’t want to rely on a medication to treat her eczema. I wanted to find the root to all these problems. That’s not to say that there haven’t been times I’ve considered switching to formula (only Alimentum Ready to Feed is corn free), and I certainly am not judging the decisions other mothers have made. This has been a difficult journey, and I have only done what I thought was best for my baby based on all the research I’ve done and the many visits to the pediatrician, allergist and GI specialist.

I am happy to report that Fussy Buns is now frequently able to wear cloth diapers with great success. I am so grateful and relieved to finally have an understanding of which foods I should avoid! Not only is it improving the health of my baby, but I am also benefiting from it. When I accidentally get “corned,” from pure vanilla extract for example, not only will Fussy Buns develop a diaper rash that persists for a week, but I will also react. By being on an even stricter elimination diet for her, I have discovered more foods that I react to.  Hopefully Fussy Buns will outgrow these allergies soon and not develop any new ones. I know we’re not out of the woods yet!

Read “Dairy and Food Sensitivities in Breastfed Babies” on Kelly Mom and check out the Resources page for links to breastfeeding support and information on food allergies.

If you are suffering from postpartum depression, please know that you are not alone and help is available! Check out